And a full month later…

So after a month of putting our builder on hold in order to move the house further off of the road, we have verbal approval from the county septic inspector. I realize already the stresses of building a new home are REAL! I have learned that it seems like no one is in a hurry to do anything anymore, i had to call and follow up everyday for the past 2 weeks to ensure this got done.

9176 Plat

Now after a month i just mowed the lot on memorial day, and the builders are going to re-stake the lot….and guess what hits again, a forecast of a week worth of rain again.

So in my boredom i have been planning way ahead so when there are questions of what faucets or what colors we want these decisions will be somewhat already made. Take a look at the first of many, Our design idea page for the Master Bath.

Master Bath


In case you didnt know me and molly are so ready to start this house it is driving me crazy!!!! Every spare second i have i seem to think wonder how it will look? What colors are we going to paint? What light do we want over the kitchen island?

So i am going to try to visualize as much as possible to help tame my thoughts and ideas. And here is the first, hopefully this is how our home will look on our lot. Not bad huh?


Exterior design progress

Last Friday before we took our trip to Nashville for our 2 yr anniversary, we had to make our first decision for the appearance of the house, brick color! We met at the general shale office and was treated by many choices, despite the variety we were able to pick “Old Georgian Tudor” seen below.  

Also during the process we decided window color and style along with shingles. We had found the picture below which we would like to use the color palette from. I then used the art of photoshop to mock up how it will look. Let us know what you think about it!!

 Color scheme  Mock-up on our house


Let me know if you would like something similar done to your houseplan!

And a short commercial break….

So it has been a little while since I have posted. Since I last posted…nothing has been done! After the contractors pulled permits we ran into a snag. The septic inspector came by and informed us we would have to push our home closer to the road. At first thought I was like ok no big deal but after seeing it I had a change of heart. I was determined to get it back off of the road…. Then the journey began.

I got in contact with a soil specialist to get the land retested, but found out it would be best to look at the test already completed.  Upon reviewing this I was told I can get the plat redone. So now 3 weeks later that’s where we are. I visited the surveyor, he has redesigned the plat and is submitting it to the county, hopefully within the next 3 weeks we can start!!!!