Rainy Days = Pinterest Overload

First let me thank everyone for the outpouring of support on my first post yesterday! That was a great feeling and brightened my day. It’s been raining for nearly 3 days in Chattanooga! It’s so cloudy and dark. I do work a full time job, so I don’t get to stay home snuggled in bed with my baby Cash like I would dream of doing. Instead each day I have to wake up a 6:00 AM. Cash is such a smart little thing – each morning around the time for my alarm to go off, he comes up beside me to get his daily snuggles. I cuddle him until I have to force my self up out of bed and then I tuck him right back in, which is where he typically stays until I force him to go outside. Dogs are definitely like their owners, we both hate mornings!


That being said – I basically would rather be in bed any day, especially rainy days. I do love a good rainy season though! Me loving to be home and inside so much (aka – hermit) drives me to spend much of my time on Pinterest!

Pinterest is whole different world where people think they are craftier than that really are, or where people think they can cook like Paula Dean then their cake comes out looking like an rock rather than something edible. Yea, I’ve been there. But those times when you’ve worked hours to make something perfect and to your surprise it actually turns out – those are the times where it’s totally worth it! My latest project was making wall storage for my jewelry, and definitely worth the little time it took to make it. Luckily, there were no fails this time, thanks to the help of my husband. We picked up some scrap wood from the house that they were going to throw away and then ended up with this totally awesome and functional piece!

The top easily slides out to put bracelets on, the middle is for hanging earrings, and the bottom is multi-functional! There are small hooks on the bottom (that unfortunately I just realized you can’t see in the picture – whoops) to hang necklaces, then the corks we acquired from family. I cut some in half and glued to the board to stick my stud earrings in. Then finally, my ring storage are dowel roads cut in small pieces to easily slide my rings on and off. I didn’t paint or stain it because I typically like the leave things the natural way – so I think this time I’ll just sit back and enjoy it! Check out our creation below!

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