And Then Reality Hits…

What a productive/fun weekend! Jarrod and I started by going to check on the progress of our new home Saturday morning. Things are really starting to come along! SO EXCITING! They have the insulation done and sheet rock is delivered, meaning they will probably start that this week. We can’t wait to see the walls closed in! They also have started on the siding and delivered our front door. Here are few pics:

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After checking that out, we went out on the lake with our dear friends Kendra and Chad! They have some awesome toys (boat, paddle board, etc.) and we had a great time! We then went over to another friends house for dinner and it was incredible! So good having nice friends to share our time with.

While walking through our home we started talking about our “office nook” in our master bedroom for an office space, or as we thought, a crib for whenever we have kids. Then reality smacked my in the face yet again. I realized, that I may not get the opportunity to have our kids. With this disease, it has a chance to come back it seems, as well as it’s not something I want to pass on. I’m not exactly sure if it’s genetic though, I haven’t discussed all that with my doctor yet. Also, if I ended up being approved for the Rituximab (chemo-like drug) my doctor will use another medication to put my body into menopause to save my ovaries for my future. I’m not sure what kind of toll this will take on my body and what my chances would actually be of having our own child. So, other options started running through my head. Adoption, having a surrogate, or just not having children at all. I favor having a surrogate the most because it could still be our child. I just wouldn’t have the experience of carrying it myself. I suppose we will cross that bridge when we come to it, but it weighs heavily on my heart and mind each day.

On a brighter note, Jarrod and I LOVE Restoration Hardware! But, if you know anything about RH, you know that it is extremely over priced. So I’m determined to re-create the pieces we love for a fraction of the cost.

Here is Restoration’s decorative books: Not sure what they ran because they no longer sell them


And here are mine: (and guess what! I made these for FREE – the rope we paid $3.00 for!)

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Here is Restoration’s Glass Cloche: Selling for $80.00!


And here is mine: for only $25.00

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My Aunt and Uncle had a stock pile of corks so we put them to use and eventually I will fill them succulents:

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Again, this was free thanks to my aunt and uncle and the borrowing of a hot glue gun!

So we had a rather productive weekend and here we are both dreading Monday, with the rest of the world!

Thanks for reading,


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