Every August Until A Cure

Back in March I, Jarrod, developed this page to share the build of our new house. However, it has turned into something much more. Here’s an important part of my life and why I love to woodwork and create things.

I grew up in a small area just south of the North Carolina/Virginia border called Providence, NC. During my childhood, I would frequently help my Dad do projects around the house. This is the time when I began to love the satisfaction of doing things myself. Some of you may know, but those who do not my Dad passed away in December of 2009 from ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). He was diagnosed in 2007 after being tested for many other diseases, for months he visited Duke University for testing and visit’s with Specialists.

Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.41.49 AM His illness began with causing his speech to be slurred which devastated him as he was a man who loved sharing information/knowledge and took much pride in his work. He was in a position at work where communication was a requirement so he had to retire early on disability. Shortly after retiring, he began losing all motor skills and the ability to eat and speak. After he lost his ability to communicate, we created a system for him to still communicate with us by using the movement of his eyes. I eventually stopped working so I could help care for him when he could no longer be alone. I still remember it like it was yesterday, I felt like I was stuck in the movie “Groundhog’s Day” as every day, I had the same routine. I would wake up in the morning and go upstairs to relieve the Hospice Nurses. Then I would begin my shift of taking care of dad from 10 AM until around 4PM. Days were spent watching Family Fued, Price is Right, and then Soap Opera’s (Dad loved the stories especially since he got to watch them everyday). Taking care of the man who I had looked up to all my life really brought me down. At the same time, I think it helped make me who I am today. These times were difficult, but I cherish every moment I got to spend with him. ALS is a disease I wouldn’t wish on anyone, yet more and more I see people who have been diagnosed with it. The ALS ice bucket challenge has brought more attention to this harsh disease and gained it more support. August is now known as ALS Awareness month with the motto “Every August Until A Cure.” I can’t wait until a time when a cure is found so no one else will have to lose a loved one at the hand of this illness.

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If anyone has questions or would like any advice as to how we handled caring for someone with ALS, feel free to comment below and we can get in touch.


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