Liebster Award…Is This A Joke?


An award? What? Me? But how?

I actually had to look the word up. Liebster; German for kindest, sweetest, favorite, preferred above others … you get the idea. So either I was the sweetest, or the nominating blogger was the sweetest. I’m not sure.
With any award (I assume) there are rules. One of the rules is that the rules be posted in the acceptance post.


  1. Thank and link the person who nominated you.
  2. Include the Liebster Award sticker in the post too.
  3. Nominate 5 -10 bloggers who you feel are worthy of this award. Comment on one of their posts to let them know of their nomination. These bloggers must have less than 200 followers.
  4. Answer the eleven questions the person who nominated you created. Then make eleven questions of your own for your nominees. You may use the same questions.
  5. Lastly, copy these rules in the post.

Thank you so much DoubleEspresso! Although our blog is very small, and only reaches few people, we write from our hearts hoping to inspire others.

Here are my questions:

How would you describe the perfect day?

+ Our perfect would be waking up to a cool fall day, take short bike ride, eat a delicious breakfast (It’sssss Bo-Time! Bonjangles all the way), probably do some woodworking, go antique shopping, and watch our favorite movies! 

Why did you begin blogging? And has that purpose changed any to date?

+ My husband started the blog in order to document building our home, it’s definitely turned into something more personal now. 

When you see the scene of this world changing so drastically, do you feel hopeful or doubtful?

+ This world. Where to even begin, people killing people so casually now days. People glorifying those who shouldn’t be put on a pedestal, things happening that I never thought I would see. I’m only 23 so I’m very doubtful with what this world will be like when I’m 50.  

What was your favorite song your senior year of high school?

+ Oh gosh…I’d have to go with “Love the way you lie” by Eminem and Rihanna. My husband, well he knows the lyrics to just about every song so who knows! 

What advice would you give your younger self?

+ Trust and listen to Mom and Dad’s advice! They have my best interest in mind.

If YOU could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would it be and why?

+ New Zealand to see the set of the Hobbit!! My all time favorite!!!!! 

What is your special talent no one knows about?

+ I’m an open book so I think everyone knows just about everything about me. My husbands would be his ability to change his voice to sounds like someone else. It’s crazy how well he does it!

Coffee or tea? With or without cream?

+ We’ll take 2 iced sweet tea’s! Welcome to the South! 

What is your dream job?

+ Honestly? To not have one! I dream of the days of being a housewife. Staying home with my babies, if I’m lucky enough to have them, cooking dinners, cleaning. Some women hate it, but I love it more than anything. I watched my mom do it for years so I suppose its just me wanting to fall into her footsteps. 

What makes a good friend a great friend?

+ Honesty! There’s nothing like it. 

What was your favorite movie growing up?

+ Growing up? It’d have to be the Land Before Time movies. But now, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies. I could watch them day in and day out. They make me so happy. Jarrod always talks about the Grimlin’s. I’ve never seen them so I’m thinking that might be his favorite!


I’m nominating:

Bulldog Travels



-Sorry, I have no idea how to find other bloggers with less than 200 followers! Help me out by nominating other bloggers!

My Questions: 

What’s your favorite thing to wear (PJ’s, work out gear, dresses, etc.)?

If you could buy one thing in the world, no matter the cost, what would you buy?

If you could be any animal what would you be and why?

How do you feel about all that’s going on in the world these days?

What’s your favorite book?

 Are you an extrovert or introvert?

Are you married? If so, whats been the biggest struggle you and your spouse have overcome? If not, apply this question to just yourself.

 If could go to school for anything and know you would pass and succeed, what would you major in?

If you could change your past, would you? Why or why not?

What’s your favorite season? Why?

What’s your favorite holiday? Why?

2 thoughts on “Liebster Award…Is This A Joke?

  1. Bonjangles!?! I LOVE Bojangles. Bo-berry biscuits Seasoned fries with extra seasoning!!! When my girls and I traveled south from NY once of many times, I took them 40 miles out of the way to introduce them. My 15 yo thought I was nuts. Until she tasted it.

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