It’s Real.

As you all know, if you’ve read my previous New Author + My Story post, we are changing my kidney disease treatment to Rituximab (chemo-like drug). This went a lot faster than I was braced for and my first infusion is scheduled for next Thursday, September 10th. This is technically still tentative because insurance, so it’s still a maybe. Regardless, it took my breath when I got the call. This is all new to me, so honestly, I’m terrified. I have no idea what to expect with this treatment. I have a lot of questions for my Doctor and he’s already gotten 2 emails and a text from me (whoops). Yea, that was an overload but after I was back on my feet from that phone call, all the questions hit me at once. I wasn’t expecting to get this call until sometime in November but it came only 3 short weeks after seeing my doctor about changing my plan. Please remember me in your prayers during this difficult and terrifying time for me.


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